How to get canada study visa with study gap?

What is a Study Gap?

Study gap is the time period between your last qualification and now. For example, If you finished your graduation in 2011 and you are applying for Canada Study Visa in 2021, then you have a gap of 10 years. 

Is a Study Gap Acceptable in Canada?

The study gap of up to 2 years is acceptable for Undergraduate and Diploma applicants and the study gap up to 5 years is acceptable for postgraduate applicants. But if the study gap is more than 5 years, the chances of visa refusal becomes high.

Can I get Canada Study Visa with a Study Gap?


You just need to work on your application especially the Letter of explanation to make it stronger and convince the visa officer to grant you study visa.

Below are some of the suggestions to make your Study Visa Application stronger in case of a huge Study Gap.

1. Justify your Study Gap

HOW –> By writing and submitting a strong Letter of explanation (SOP) with your Study visa application. You MUST justify your Study Gap by providing details about your activities during the period of Study Gap. For example: If you were working during that period, include reference letters/Salary Slips to justify the gap. If you were preparing for an exam, you can provide a copy of exam admit card as a proof. If you had some personal issues going on, you can mention that in your SOP.

Check out the video for writing a good SOP for Canada Study Visa.

2. IELTS/Other Language Test

A high score in IELTS (or any other acceptable language Test) gives your application a weightage. Even though most of the colleges and universities accept students with an IELTS score of 6 or 7, you must aim for a higher score in IELTS to increase your chances of getting a visa. A high IELTS score is a proof of your strong English proficiency and will help in convincing the visa officer that you have the skills for proper integration into Canadian society and the Canadian workforce.

3. Admission in a High-ranked University

Getting into a good university or a competitive program can dramatically improve your chances of getting a study visa despite having gap in studies. High-ranked educational institutions have a competitive admission process. Only the students with high academic potential are offered admission. Therefore, the visa officer is easily convinced that the applicant is serious about his education plans.

4. Choose the province/city wisely

The province or the city where you are re-locating to for your studies can also decide the fate of your application. For example: Student applications for colleges in GTA have witnessed a high-rate of visa refusals as compared to colleges located in Atlantic provinces in last few years. It’s good to be aware of the latest trends in the Canada Study Visa acceptance and refusals.

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